Spectrum +2 Joystick Adaptors: A quick How-to

There are several options for getting Atari (Kempston) Joysticks working on a Spectrum +2. Here is one option that you can make yourself Wiring the motherboard How-to: https://spectrumforeveryone.com/techn… Wiring Diagram: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1OkFt…

Sinclair Spectrum +2

Just a couple of days after my Birthday, a Spectrum +2 that I had won of eBay arrived in the mail. What started off as a simple unboxing, turned into a fix and a mod video. A huge… Read More

IBM PS/1 (2121)

The IBM PS/1 is barely a blip in the history of the home computer, however being the follow-up to the PCjr makes it interesting.

Toshiba T1100Plus

This old Toshiba may not look like much, but with a little digging it seems it had an important part to play in the computers we use today. Twitter: https://twitter.com/Mr_Lurch Music: I Don’t See the Branches, I See… Read More